Below are two wedding rings made by a metal engraver at our studio.
The wedding rings feature a hemp leaf pattern/tortoise shell pattern.
The patterns are carved in wax by hand. Something that requires a lot of precision.
To master a skill like this requires years of daily practice and training.
以下は、当工房の彫金師が制作した2つの結婚指輪です。 麻の葉模様・亀甲模様の結婚指輪。

Hemp leaf pattern/tortoise shell pattern wedding rings
When creating the pattern for this ring, the engraver uses only one type of spatula, original to DOVE.
The fewer types of tools you use, the faster you will master using them.
These rings right here are what we consider real craftsmanship.
このリングのパターンを作成する際、つくり手は、DOVE オリジナルの 1 種類のヘラのみを使用します。
Blue Dove Jessica Nylund

Jewelry artist Jessica Nylund
Would you like to grow together with DOVE?
Courses at DOVE Academy of Jewelry Arts: https://www.dovetokyo.com/course/
Trial Course: https://www.dovetokyo.com/course/try/
Blue Dove Newspaper article: https://kichijoji.keizai.biz/headline/3081/