Making pearl earrings at DOVE Engraving class 2

Recently we have been introducing pearls to the students at our school, talking about the difference in quality, origin and price. Today I want to introduce a fun idea of what you can do with just one pearl!

Below you can see a pair of earrings that was previously made by one of our students.

This South Sea pearl was originally just one pearl. However, good quality pearls can come at a high price. As a student, you might want to save some costs. One way to do this is to create a pair of earrings, just using one pearl.

By dividing the pearl into two halves, and attaching them to a metal base, it will look like you are using two pearls. They will also be identical in color, quality and size. Perfect, isn’t it?

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South Sea pearl earrings created in a metal engraving class


Blue Dove Jessica


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